After the Curse

Re:Verse reading–Genesis 3:8-24 (day two) The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife, and clothed them. vs. 21

After the curse we find God’s provision. In verses 14-20 we begin to see the ramifications of disobedience toward God. Pain, death, enmity, toil these are all the result of not trusting in the Lord’s plan and purpose for our lives. What I find interesting is that immediately following the curse is a moment of real tenderness. God, seeing that they have fashioned poor coverings for their bodies, gives them something better. He has already provided for their needs post-Eden. We often think in terms of all or nothing, but God had the “long game” in mind. They disobeyed, but that did not stop his love or his provision. He wanted his creation to be redeemed, he still does. When you fall, don’t run and hide hoping to escape judgement. Accept consequences and then look for his way forward.

Author: Aaron Hufty

Aaron Hufty is the Associate Pastor for Worship and Music at FBCSA.

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