Fight or flight?

Re: Verse reading–1 Timothy 6:3-19 (day one)
“But you, man of God, FLEE from all this. . .FIGHT the good fight of faith.”v 11-12.

It is not an easy answer, no “one size fits all” wisdom.  Sometimes we flee, and sometimes we fight.  Paul is warning Timothy (and us) about controversies and quarrels that divide a church.  He warns also about a love for money that is “a root of all kinds of evil.”–v 10.  Run from these temptations!  Don’t get close and hope to avoid falling in.  Flee!  Sometimes the opposite is required.  When challenged with unbelief or untruth, fight!  (Note Paul’s reference to Christ as He courageously stood before Pilate–v 13.   Sometimes He avoided unnecessary conflict, other times He met it head on.)  Only the Spirit can make this choice in each situation.  For today, let us reflect on this lesson; sometimes we flee, and sometimes we stand and fight.  Lord, help us to know when and how to obey these commandments.

Defender and Friend

In John 17:15, Jesus prays for us.  “I do not ask you to take them out of the world, but to keep them from the evil one.”  Some temptation/trial is an unavoidable part of life, but that being lead into temptation, into it’s power, into it’s captivity is not!  When difficult moments come (and they do), we need Him more than ever.  We need Him to FIGHT for us!  Jesus BELIEVED that the God of the Universe was willing to come and give protection and fire power in our weakest moments.  He knew also that we have to ask! Even when we do not deserve His help (we Never do)  “Frail children of dust, and feeble as frail, in Thee do we trust, nor find Thee to fail: Thy mercies how tender, how firm to the end, our Maker, DEFENDER, Redeemer and FRIEND.” (Robert Grant)  Today I hope you will ask Him (really ask Him) to Deliver us!