Believe What?

Re:Verse reading–Mark 9:14-29 (day six)

The father cried, “I believe; help my unbelief!” Believe what exactly? In this case, it seems clear. Jesus was inviting him to believe in Him, that he was able to bring lasting change and new life in the most desperate situation, i.e the life of his demon possessed son. There is no doubt that God expects us to believe that he brings victory into our life through His Son Jesus, but what if God is also inviting us to believe something else, or at least a nuanced belief?

What if He is inviting us to believe that He can even use us to bring new life and hope to others in desperate need? What if he not only wants to do something in you, but also through you? Do you believe that? I do.

Lord, I believe; help my unbelief.


Re: Verse reading–Acts 3:1-20  (day six)

Now Peter and John were going up to the temple at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour. Acts 3:1

I imagine going to the Temple to pray was a matter of meaningful routine. They found themselves there often, along with many new believers. They continued in their Jewish temple traditions in a renewed and refreshing way, in the power of the Spirit. They did not go to the temple to be accosted by a man lame from birth, and yet they were.

“Look at us.” Peter said. Amazing. He did not look the other way to avoid an awkward moment or inconvenience, or hope that the lame man would move on to someone else. No, he said, “Look at us.” Peter and John entered into interruption, and a man was healed, and no less significant, others heard the good news of Jesus.

They went to the temple for meaningful prayer and ended up with a meaningful interruption. Your interruptions can be just as meaningful. Don’t miss them.


Re:Verse reading–Mark 1:21-39 (day six)

And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us. John 1:14

There is no greater collision in human history than the incarnation of the Son of God. The Gospel of Mark narrates this collision for us in spectacular detail. Jesus, the light of the world collides with the darkness, and it retreated. Jesus collided against human brokeness and healed countless. And the Word spoke and all who heard him were amazed!

He is unavoidable. He is the larger-than-the-universe elephant in the room; he collides with us. Even after 2000 years this divine collision demands a personal response. John the Baptist knew who he was (because the Spirit testified), and declared “he must increase.” The demons knew, and they shuddered.

How about you? How will you respond, even today, to this beautiful collision?