
Re:Verse reading–Romans 3:21-31 (day six)

The Law declared the righteousness of God by contrast. Up against the Law, the starkness of our own brokenness and idolatry, only ever served to draw attention to the righteousness of God. The Law was both microscope and telescope; bringing into view the fissures left in the wake of our idolatry, as well as bringing into proper view the true immensity of God’s righteousness. It could never bring life or restoration to dead and dying things; it was never meant to. This is why Paul tells us that the Law and Prophets(v. 21) always pointed to the righteousness of Jesus, the very image of the invisible God, and the fulfillment of the Law (Matthew 5:17).

And so we rejoice, not in the doing of the Law, but in Jesus. He is the cornerstone, the glory of God, and our righteousness by grace through faith!