Gospel Depth

Re:Verse reading–Mark 14:12-31 (day six)

Mark is coming to a close, but it is a Gospel after all, and thus rapidly moves towards the Cross. In this narrative we have the securing of the upper room, the enunciation of a new covenant, the prediction of betrayal(s), followed by immediate denials (they were all wrong; perhaps most of all Peter). All narratives that we seem so familiar with. How do we look at these in a fresh way that doesn’t seem trivial? I suppose the best reminder is that we never graduate from the Gospel, nor those particular events leading up to the Cross. Every so often in ministry, I have heard the occasional mantra, “I want something deeper.” As if the Gospel is wading through shallow waters, no in fact, there is nothing more profound and worthy of contemplation.


Re:Verse reading– Mark 5:1-20 (day six)

People were amazed by the man’s story. Everywhere he went he told his story, and people marveled. This isn’t surprising, after all his story IS remarkable; demon possessed man returns to his right mind after being restored by the Son of the Most High God. Now that’s a story!

What is even more amazing is that Jesus commissioned him to go tell people about his encounter with the Most High God, rather than stay with him. What if his family and friends responses were directly tied to the authority in which he was commissioned to tell his story? What if it wasn’t his story at all, but Jesus at work in those who heard it because he was faithful to tell it.

Here’s the thing, we were not called to linger with Jesus, but to follow Jesus. Our commission is no different than the Gerasene man’s; we too must go and tell our Gospel story. God’s plan for His Kingdom was always predicated on our telling others what He has done; we just might be amazed by peoples responses when we do.

Go tell it on on the mountain…and everywhere.


Re:Verse reading–Mark 1:21-39 (day six)

And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us. John 1:14

There is no greater collision in human history than the incarnation of the Son of God. The Gospel of Mark narrates this collision for us in spectacular detail. Jesus, the light of the world collides with the darkness, and it retreated. Jesus collided against human brokeness and healed countless. And the Word spoke and all who heard him were amazed!

He is unavoidable. He is the larger-than-the-universe elephant in the room; he collides with us. Even after 2000 years this divine collision demands a personal response. John the Baptist knew who he was (because the Spirit testified), and declared “he must increase.” The demons knew, and they shuddered.

How about you? How will you respond, even today, to this beautiful collision?