Faithful Friends

Re: Verse reading–Ecclesiastes 4:9-12; 1 Samuel 20:1-17, 27-42 (day four) 

A friend is one who encourages and enables you to do God’s will for your life.  Sometimes it can be costly.  Jonathan was a true friend to David.  He did everything he could to enable David to fulfill God’s plan for his life…even though it came at great personal cost.  When God places a friend in your life and a need arises for them, we must go to God and ask what we can do to help.  Instead of looking at the drain on our time, energy, or finances, we need to come alongside them to enable them to accomplish God’s plan.  Ask God why He has put you in this place and what He wants you to do.  Maybe God has already placed resource in your life to assist.  Maybe you have been through circumstances that have given you insight and wisdom to pass along to them.  Whatever the cost, we must be faithful and loyal to our friends.