Green Pastures

Re: Verse reading–John 10:1-21 (day four)
Happy New Year!  If you planned to do something in 2014, you are too late!  New Year’s is traditionally a time to start over…to do new things…to make course corrections.  John tells us in chapter 10 that good things happen when the sheep follow the shepherd.  Anyone other than the shepherd is there to steal, kill, and destroy.  The shepherd protects the sheep, provides for the sheep and lays down his life for the sheep.  Jesus says that if His sheep enter through His door, they will be saved…they will find rest and provision.  Jesus has the authority to bring about these new things in our lives.  Only our shepherd can do them.  As you consider those New Year’s resolutions, allow the Good Shepherd to direct your steps.  He will give you protection and find you green pastures.  Only He can do it.

Land of the free?

Re: Verse reading – John 8:31-47 (day seven)
“If the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed”–v 36.
Our experience is often disappointing.  With every singing of the national anthem we DECLARE it.  “The land of the free and the home of the brave.”  But, living in the land of the free has not given us true liberty.  We have more AND worry more.  We declare marriage dead and then find ourselves CAPTIVE to the very real consequences.  We WANT to do better, DECIDE we will do better (every New Year’s day), but the same habits and tendencies return with power.  Only in Christ, in His power, in constant and honest fellowship with Him can the chains be broken.  No part-time follower will know this promise.  If the Son makes you free (“if you continue in my word”, says the Master) you will experience this promise.  FREE. . . not to do what I CHOOSE, but what I SHOULD.  What-I-was-made-to-be-FREE!  Only in Christ.