Don’t Quit!

In  Luke 18:8, Jesus wonders out loud whether He will “find faith on the earth when He returns”, and the indicator that will tell Him whether faith is still present on this planet is persevering prayer. (Read Luke 18)  True faith (just like true love) expresses itself.  It speaks!  It does not pout or withdraw.  It does not give up or get discouraged or drained away by other distractions.  We have been praying the Lord’s Prayer every day, now for 6 weeks.  Are you experiencing fatigue?  Has the newness worn off this daily discipline?  Probably a good thing!  This is a life-long love that we are learning!  I saw kid with a T-shirt recently which said, “Pain is fear leaving the body”.  If so, “prayer is faith not leaving the task” until His kingdom comes.  What if patience is the proof that we really believe?  Thanks for hanging in there!  I am praying with you.